The Cruising Adventures of Joan & Ben Schuetz aboard
Part 26: Heide heads home
Friday, 31 March 2000
There hasn't been much happening lately. Last week we circumnavigated Lago Izabal again, this time with Delphys, but aside from that there is little new stuff to report. We did find the mother load of howler monkeys though. They entertained us for hours.
Heide left Wednesday to return to the States. Two of their friends from Minnesota came down to make the trip with them. We are going to follow them via the NW Caribbean Net on single side band. Heide doesn't have an SSB, but we can call for a health and welfare check from any other boat who has seen or talked to them on VHF. The system works pretty well. We already miss them a lot.
It's about as hot as it is going to get here now. Yesterday, 95 degrees. Each day, around noon, an easterly breeze picks up that helps, but in the protection of Suzannah's Marina & Lagoon, we don't get much of it. Air conditioning is usually the best answer, but the power isn't always good. Sometimes it sags down to 100 volts or so and the AC gets unhappy.
In two weeks, we plan to get back out to sea and cruise back up through the cays of the Belizean barrier reef through the month of May. There are a lot of areas that we missed on the way down. The trade winds will make it nice and comfortable too. When we return to the Rio in late May, we will find a spot to tie up that gets more air.
David Vroom and Pat Wallace, Raychem (now Tyco) friends have rounded up some used computers and are shipping them here for the indian village. We plan to help where we can throughout the summer and fall. I'll keep you up to date.
Our first novel is complete. In my working years, there was sometimes criticism of my scientific reports as having been fictional, but this was my first honest attempt at writing fiction. Some friends here have read it and think its pretty good. It's a kind of contemporary thing titled “No Langosta Rocas” (No Lobster Rocks). The story has some science and science fiction, sea tales, an international incident, and an internet surprise. I tried my best to make it a plausible maybe even believable story. So, I wonder if anyone out there has any contact with a writers agent, publisher or even just some words of wisdom. I hear that the road for a newbie author is pretty rocky so I can use all the help I can get.
If anyone is interested, it would be a good time to come for a visit. The cruise to Belize will be a good one with warm clear water, good fishing and lots of snorkeling.
I probably won't send out another newsletter for a couple of weeks unless something interesting happens.
Joan, Ben & Maggie